There’s No Place Like This Home
We understand that caring for a child with complex medical needs can be a daunting task, and we’re here to help. Our programs and services are designed to provide your child with high-quality, specialized care in a warm and welcoming environment. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your child receives the best possible care, and we strive to provide support for families every step of the way.
In addition to our three core programs of Respite Care, Residential Care, and Hospice Palliative Care, The Darling Home for Kids offers a range of complementary therapeutic programs. These include music therapy, recreation therapy, pet therapy, hydrotherapy, and multi-sensory snoezelen therapy. Each program is carefully designed to promote the well-being of the children in our care and offer them unique experiences. We understand that caring for a child with complex medical needs can be challenging, and that’s why we’ve created effective and engaging programs for both the siblings and parents of the children we serve. At The Darling Home for Kids, we provide care for the entire family.