Double your donation with matching gifts
Many companies have a matching gift program that will double or triple any charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your or your spouse’s company will help you support our Home refer to the steps below.
How to Double your Donation in Four Easy Steps:
- Consult your HR department about the program and request a corporate matching gift form.
- Send your completed form and donation to:
Attention: Corporate Matching Gift
5657 15th Side Road
Milton, ON L9E 0C8 - Allow a little time for your organization and The Darling Home for Kids to confirm the gift.
- Look for your official tax receipt in the mail, followed by a letter acknowledging receipt of your employer’s match. Your organization will also receive a tax receipt for their matching gift.
Please note that while most employers offer a one-to-one match, others will have a different formula and may even match two-to-one or more. If your company is not listed but will match your donation to The Darling Home for Kids, please let us know by contacting Samantha Siliceo, Donor Relations Coordinator at
Thank you for caring about making a positive change in the lives of children with complex medical needs.